Amazon Transcribe Streaming SDK

The Amazon Transcribe Streaming SDK allows users to directly interface with the Amazon Transcribe Streaming service and their Python programs. The goal of the project is to enable users to integrate directly with Amazon Transcribe without needing anything more than a stream of audio bytes and a basic handler. This project is still in early alpha so the interface is still subject to change and may see rapid iteration. It’s highly advised to pin to strict dependencies if using this outside of local testing.


To install from pip:

python -m pip install amazon-transcribe

To install from Github:

git clone
cd amazon-transcribe-streaming-sdk
python -m pip install .

To use from your Python application, add amazon-transcribe as a dependency in your requirements.txt file.

NOTE: This SDK is built on top of the AWS Common Runtime (CRT), a collection of C libraries we interact with through bindings. The CRT is available on PyPI (awscrt) as precompiled wheels for common platforms (Linux, macOS, Windows). Non-standard operating systems may need to compile these libraries themselves.


Setup for this SDK will require either live or prerecorded audio. Full details on the audio input requirements can be found in the Amazon Transcribe Streaming documentation.

Here’s an example to get started:

import asyncio
# This example uses aiofile for asynchronous file reads.
# It's not a dependency of the project but can be installed
# with `pip install aiofile`.
import aiofile

from amazon_transcribe.client import TranscribeStreamingClient
from amazon_transcribe.handlers import TranscriptResultStreamHandler
from amazon_transcribe.model import TranscriptEvent

Here's an example of a custom event handler you can extend to
process the returned transcription results as needed. This
handler will simply print the text out to your interpreter.
class MyEventHandler(TranscriptResultStreamHandler):
    async def handle_transcript_event(self, transcript_event: TranscriptEvent):
        # This handler can be implemented to handle transcriptions as needed.
        # Here's an example to get started.
        results = transcript_event.transcript.results
        for result in results:
            for alt in result.alternatives:

async def basic_transcribe():
    # Setup up our client with our chosen AWS region
    client = TranscribeStreamingClient(region="us-west-2")

    # Start transcription to generate our async stream
    stream = await client.start_stream_transcription(

    async def write_chunks():
        # An example file can be found at tests/integration/assets/test.wav
        async with aiofile.AIOFile('tests/integration/assets/test.wav', 'rb') as afp:
            reader = aiofile.Reader(afp, chunk_size=1024 * 16)
            async for chunk in reader:
                await stream.input_stream.send_audio_event(audio_chunk=chunk)
        await stream.input_stream.end_stream()

    # Instantiate our handler and start processing events
    handler = MyEventHandler(stream.output_stream)
    await asyncio.gather(write_chunks(), handler.handle_events())

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.